Once known as the “Pearl of Asia,” today Cambodia stands at a precipitous moment between a haunting past and a trying future. With a history depleted by one of the twentieth century’s most ruthless regimes and a present moment repeatedly buried beneath the brick and mortar of the “new and improved,” the telling of Cambodia’s story depends upon those fearless and ambitious individuals striving to relay their firsthand experiences. Now, a burgeoning community of contemporary artists stand at the forefront of the nation’s storytellers. With limited resources and unending passion, the artists filmed for The Lotus that Went to the Sea are pushing the limits of expression in a country where freedoms are hindered and the governmental infrastructure offers little support. By creating platforms for themselves, sharing knowledge amongst each other, and maintaining the belief that art is a powerful and compelling aspect of any society- these artists are impacting the cultural landscape of Cambodia, and they are ready to share their lives and work with the world.
Why we want to share this story with you
As our world continues to globalize and more often than not, homogenize, Cambodia exists in a unique space of what was and what is yet to be. Living in an era as consumed by remembrance for the past as it is by visions for a brighter future, is an experience unknown to many of us from the on-to-the-next generation. The time we spent in Cambodia offered our small team a glimpse inside the lives of so many creative people as they endeavor to cement their nation’s story in the trajectory of our world’s development. We remain committed to sharing this perspective with as many people as possible, in the hopes of reminding us all to never take our own stories for granted.
What we need
We have over 200 hours of footage from our trip to Cambodia and now we need the time and money to make a film! With the funds raised on Kickstarter, our team will be able to devote all of our energy to the completion of this project. More specifically, this money will pay the salary of our editor, transcriber, composer, graphic designer and color-correctionist. Like the work the film depicts, we want this movie to be a consummate expression of creativity and artistry. Its in the details! With your support, we know that this film will become a compelling record of an exciting moment in Cambodia’s record. Thank you!
The Lotus that Went to the Sea
Originally Posted by Sophia S.
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